Dove hunters group from Chile | Selmen Buale group

Chilean Dove Hunters Group Adventures in Argentina Last week we had the visit of a group of dove hunters from Chile. It was a 4 hunters group and later 2 more hunters joined them, the group leader was our friend Selmen Buale. It was a 4 days adventure and once again they demonstrated their great […]



7 de October de 2013 | Guests

Chilean Dove Hunters Group Adventures in Argentina

Last week we had the visit of a group of dove hunters from Chile. It was a 4 hunters group and later 2 more hunters joined them, the group leader was our friend Selmen Buale.

It was a 4 days adventure and once again they demonstrated their great experience in dove hunting.

This was Selmen’s group 22nd trip to El Cortijo and they have already booked a trip in november to hunt doves with their sons and in-laws and close their 2013 hunting season at El Cortijo dove hunting lodge.

Since 2007 Selmen’s group has chosen El Cortijo and SYC Sporting to experience a great hunting adventure in Argentina.

Eduardo Martinez considers Selmen Buale as a part of the SYC Sporting family and a friend.


We would like to say thanks to Selmen and his group to keep choosing us for their dove hunting trips to Argentina.

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