Contact us

and/ or Book your trip

Let us know how we can assist you, or questions you have, and we will get back yo you shortly.

Contact Us page form

Córdoba Office

Sales manager
Phone: +54 9 351 251 5038
Office hours: 08:00 to 18:00 (CDT)

Lodge "El Cortijo"

SyC Sporting Outfitters
High volume dove hunting in Argentina
Manager Manuel Cogo
GPS coordinates

Highlights on the tour

  • Districts where the sky is literally swarming with birds.
  • Thousands of shooting opportunities
  • A really exceptional hunt!
  • For hunters who want maximum intensity wing shooting

Travel Emergencies

For after hours Emergency Travel Service, such as missed connections, travel or weather delays, or lost baggage— any problem that would influence/delay your trip, please call or send a WhatsApp to the first number on the list below. This phone will be answered day or night and we will do our best to rectify the problem. Or, you may also e-mail us at and we will get back to you shortly.

+54 9 3512 62-4666  Manuel

+54 9 3512 51-5038  Stefanía
+54 9 3516 79-1108  Eduardo

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