Duck Hunting Argentina | Premium Seasons & Packages
Weather is getting cooler and the ducks are migrating again – it is high time to prepare for a duck-hunting trip to Cordoba!
SYC Sporting is super excited that the duck season is here again! Buenos Aires is one of the most popular places for wing shooters during the duck-hunting season that lasts from May through July each year. This is because of the fact that the river delta naturally retains a large waterfowl population by attracting and holding early, mid, and late-season migrating species and a wide variety of ducks. This includes the Cinnamon, Ringed, Speckled, Brazilian and Silver teal, Chiloe Wigeon, White-Cheeked and Yellow Billed Pintail, Red Shoveler, and more!
Duck aboard the Parana Airway!
The migrating duck travel across southern America using Parana River as their guide to the upper lands. The birds travel in droves across the land, pushing up the river delta until they become sandwiched in the agricultural province of Argentina and Uruguay.
The province of Santa Fe, Misiones, Entre Rios, and Buenos Aires are the fortunate companions to the Parana River and hence become the hosts of these migrating birds. Generous bag limit of 50 ducks per day offers ample opportunities for enjoying a great hunt this season.
Current Game
The silver, speckled, and Brazilian teal form the early group of migrating birds and though they will still flash hunting grounds vibrant with color and thrilling feats of acrobats. The mid season migrating birds such as the highly prized Cinnamon Teal, recognizable by its bright red eyes, black bill, and cinnamon color, migrates throughout the season and is sure to catch and retain your fancy.
If you are looking for a natural decoy radar to the game you loads of thrilling anticipation, then the Pintail (Yellow-billed or White-cheeked) will have you await it on tiptoes in the open fields and near secluded ponds and lakes.
As a passing note, remember not to get drawn into the marvellous decoying style and beauty of the pintails — they relieve your trigger of pressure and cost you a much-awaited game. Though the experience won’t be something you will regret, unless you plan to endure tip-toeing your way for more games, it is advisable that you savor shooting!
Gaming Hollywood
The Red Shoveler and Rosybill Pochard are amongst the remaining migrating birds that flock across the Parana River throughout the season. Dipped in cinnamon red, holding a bold black bill, and with green and blue patterns running the entire length, the Shoveler presents itself as the highlight of the season and in direct competition to the jet black and gray slated Rosybill Pochard whose lack in vibrant manners is overcome with its uncanny decoying ability, speed, and body control.
Both the Red Shoveler and the Rosybill Pochard are amongst the most prized game of the season and the sought-after trophies to mark a great duck hunting season.
The Duck-Hunting season is open May 1—July 31: so book your trip now with SYC Sporting Adventures, you don’t want to miss the thrill of the season.